Solve thorny challenges or reach new levels of impact. Innovation is simply put trying something new or different. You need to learn to take risks because new often involves unknown but the rewards are so worth it.
Thinking about Innovation
as a simple tool rather than a complex skill can help you get started
Ask the question "Why?"
five times and see your understanding deepen?
Collective Genius
focuses on case studies of consistently innovative cultures and how those leaders achieved them
My views of innovation
Informed by my 13+ years in Amazon – worked in Seattle, Luxembourg, France, managed teams in six more countries. I managed Product, Tech, Legal, Business, HR Teams; built Competitive Strategy and Negotiation Team and was Amazon’s first Global Director of Diversity Programs. I shared my path to Amazon in my LeanIn Story
Making progress on hard challenges
like Diversity and Inclusion or getting a global perspective require the same three things
The Clayman Institute for Gender Research
Since 1974 it has been empowering students and scholars in three key ways: Conduct and invest in intersectional gender research, Mentor students through fellowships and internships, Inspire, translate and amplify gender scholarship. They have wealth of valuable information.
Innovation requires diverse teams
working effectively together. Breaking Bias by David Rock, Neuroleadership Institute gives everyone some terrific foundational information to detect and interrupt bias in a number of different situations
The Elephant in the Brain
A provocative read that helps make sense of things that make no sense. We can all benefit from understanding the narratives of those we don’t agree with as well as the untruths we tell ourselves.
Checklist for diversity
Want to interview to include a more diverse cross section of talent, check out this checklist
Becoming a more effective ally
You are in a majority group and want to be a more effective ally, check out NCWIT – Allies
Power Privilege and Difference
A great book for those that really want a deeper understanding of these three issues and how they interact together