You already have leadership responsibilities in all roles in your life. Now learn how to lead more effectively and joyfully:
Use this formula to build effective teams
As a leader, you should strive to continue to learn and grow.
Don’t rely on what you already know.
Deeply consider your definition of success
and how to inspire your team to succeed
Examine your mental models
and see if they are helping or hurting you as a leader
The power of kindness
as a leader is underrated. Learn how to use it and still advance your career
Learn how to effectively prioritize
Executive Presence
is one of those elusive concepts that is often needed to break into the upper ranks at the company. Have you been told you lack executive presence, ask these three questions to get at why
Use these seven steps to increase you executive presence
Meet people where they are to maximize your impact
Assess yourself as a manager
as it relates to supporting your team
Amazon Leadership Principles
provide a lot a great insights as they map pretty well to the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Covey
Good Intentions Don’t Work;
how to use mechanisms to drive improvement, one of the methods Amazon uses to drive its success
We are negotiating all the time, whether we know it or not. Negotiation is just "a discussion aimed at an agreement."
Thinking about Negotiation
as a simple tool rather than a complex skill can help you get started
Great Negotiation training
for those who will negotiate regularly
Getting to Yes
This is seminal book for anyone who negotiates for a living; I say it is a great book for anyone living because we all negotiate
Women have some unique challenges
related to negotiation and this book given women some great tips and advice
Thinking about Negotiation
as a simple tool rather than a complex skill can help you get started
Improve negotiation skills
Fast Company highlighted five additional books to improve negotiation skills
Harvard Law School
provides exercises and tips to practice what you learned
Solve thorny challenges or reach new levels of impact. Innovation is simply put trying something new or different. You need to learn to take risks because new often involves unknown but the rewards are so worth it.
Thinking about Innovation
as a simple tool rather than a complex skill can help you get started
Ask the question "Why?"
five times and see your understanding deepen?
Collective Genius
focuses on case studies of consistently innovative cultures and how those leaders achieved them
My views of innovation
Informed by my 13+ years in Amazon – worked in Seattle, Luxembourg, France, managed teams in six more countries. I managed Product, Tech, Legal, Business, HR Teams; built Competitive Strategy and Negotiation Team and was Amazon’s first Global Director of Diversity Programs. I shared my path to Amazon in my LeanIn Story
Making progress on hard challenges
like Diversity and Inclusion or getting a global perspective require the same three things
The Clayman Institute for Gender Research
Since 1974 it has been empowering students and scholars in three key ways: Conduct and invest in intersectional gender research, Mentor students through fellowships and internships, Inspire, translate and amplify gender scholarship. They have wealth of valuable information.
Innovation requires diverse teams
working effectively together. Breaking Bias by David Rock, Neuroleadership Institute gives everyone some terrific foundational information to detect and interrupt bias in a number of different situations
The Elephant in the Brain
A provocative read that helps make sense of things that make no sense. We can all benefit from understanding the narratives of those we don’t agree with as well as the untruths we tell ourselves.
Checklist for diversity
Want to interview to include a more diverse cross section of talent, check out this checklist
Becoming a more effective ally
You are in a majority group and want to be a more effective ally, check out NCWIT – Allies
Power Privilege and Difference
A great book for those that really want a deeper understanding of these three issues and how they interact together
Communication is critical to all human interaction. Yet, we don’t spend enough time investing in learning about and improving this essential skill. Use these resources to get your ideas across, make hard decisions, and achieve your goals, faster
It all starts with your brain.
This book is a great approachable read about neuroscience topics and how they show up at work
Best Practices
Here are six best practices to apply when reviewing and responding to emails to avoid making costly blunders
Making tough calls is hard.
Amazon used Tenets developed by leadership to help give guidance to teams ahead of the decision. Apply to improve the quality and consistency of your decision making
Everyone says networking is critical yet many of us don’t want to or know to do so to achieve the benefits. Learn how to effectively develop and grown your network to increase your impact and achieve your dreams:
Networking 101
gives newbies three steps to apply to build their optimal village to achieve their goals
Networking 201
helps you make that most of each contact in your network
Don’t forget to network across generations
– 10 years older or younger than you – to make the most of those different perspectives
Looking at the world as a connected place
can show you opportunities to build your network that are not obvious
Don’t we all want to be more productive. Here are some concrete ideas and tips to get you started
Align your time with your priorities.
It is tougher than it should be
Create ONE to do list -- seriously!!
Ask these six questions
and watch your productivity increase exponentially
Learn how to budget your time like your money
for huge productivity payoffs
Use the concept of leverage
to effectively give yourself more time
Get a handle on your email in-box
and reclaim time for more important activities
Ensure you prioritize key relationships
in your quest for productivity
Self-care should also always be prioritized
to continue your ability to be productive
Now Discover Your Strengths
A great way to identify how to find roles and jobs that align you’re your strengths which will require less effort than those that align with areas you are not as strong
Sometimes starting is the hardest part. Just because you are involved in socially conscious efforts doesn’t mean they are satisfying or in effective? These articles will help you navigate different options and approaches.
Board members are critical to every organization.
What is needed to make an effective Board or succeed as a member
Being a social entrepreneur doesn’t have a set path.
I became one by accident and shared some learnings here
A key to anything new is to start.
But starting can be challenging. Here are some tips to get you motivated
Juggling work and parenting presents some unique challenges. Check out these resources to let you know you are not alone and learn to successfully navigate these roles.
Being a parent has really helped my career.
Learn how lessons from parenting can help yours too
Parenting is an education
that keeps you constantly learning valuable lessons
balancing motherhood career: Mother's Day -- Reflecting on What Motherhood Taught Me So Far . .
Make peace with your choice to work and parent.
Guilt serves no one and it is very possible to be a good parent and have a great career
Learning to make “good enough” “good”
was a game changer for me
Flexibility has been the secret to success for me.
Learn how to use it and still advance your career
Trying to balance your life is a lot like juggling
which means things will drop some of the time and that is okay
Finding reliable child care is tough.
I had a variety of experiences before I found what worked well for us
Take care of your own needs is important
and some times that means more than taking care of your family and career
balancing motherhood career: Need Vocation, Bliss and Purpose - in Measure
Prioritizing two careers and a long-term relationship
over a few decades takes dedication and focus. Here is what worked for us
balancing motherhood career: How to Balance Two Careers and Three Kids Over Two Decades
Motherhood was a leap of faith for me.