♦ Innovate ♦
Collaborate ♦
Negotiate ♦


The L.E.A.D. Approach is grounded in the belief that everyone has the capacity to lead.

To do so, requires acknowledging and owning your power.
Then, you must activate this power by taking the first step toward your goals.

Finally, you must dream to see outcomes that don't yet have a clear path.


  • Lead

    Everyone has leadership capacity but few take on responsibility

  • Empower

    All have a voice and power yet often feel voiceless and powerless

  • Activate

    Starting anything of worth is essential but also often the hardest part

  • Dream

    We do this naturally as kids but somehow lose the ability as adults

Learn the L.E.A.D approach to unlock your immense potential and use it to multiply your impact

Ellenore Angelidis is a professional speaker and consultant.


Wow your group with motivating and insightful talks based on a diverse set of experiences and roles including 13+ years as an executive at Amazon in multiple functional areas.


Get innovative ideas and approaches to immediately apply to thorny leadership, strategic or negotiation challenges from a lawyer who also managed business and technical teams in different countries

Social Entrepreneur

An accidental social entrepreneur and NGO founder shares her learnings and tips for those looking to have a bigger impact within their current role or starting something new


Help your team work more effectively together leading to greater engagement, innovation and impact from an executive who has led diverse team across different functions and geographies

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